
go grab a snack and get cozy, because I’m uber chatty and sort of an over sharer!

Hey y’all, I’m Katie!!!!!! I’m the owner and photographer (and email answerer, and photo editor, and album designer, and print orderer) here at Katie McDonald Photography. I won’t bore you with how my dad gave me my first camera, how I’ve loooooved photography since I was little, blah blah blah because chances are you don’t really care about that stuff. You wanna know about me in the here and now…what my personality is like and to find out if we are gonna get along, right? If you’re not so interested in my quirks and instead would like to know about my photography style and the business stuff feel free to check out the FAQ Page!


So the first thing that you should know about me is that I loooooooove lists. So the rest of this info will be delivered via list form, obviously. Oh, and memes....because I'm a cheugy millennial even though I gave up my skinny jeans and side part.

  • The best way to describe my personality is I’m basically the love child of Olivia Pope from Scandal and Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec...with a dash of Elle Woods thrown in for spunk and sparkle. I'm basically Weird Barbie. I’m determined, loyal and most definitely a workaholic. My enthusiasm is contagious, as is my sometimes foul mouth. I thrive on chaos. I’m bossy. I’m sappy. I’m kind of “a lot” but in a good way I think.
  • I have a bachelor’s degree in photojournalism from the University of Kentucky. Being a photographer isn’t my side hustle or something that just sounded fun. Being an entrepreneur was my plan from the get-go so much so that working at Katie McDonald Photography is the only job I’ve ever had in my adult life!
  • As being a UK alum suggests, I’m unapologetically a sassy southern lady. A “pistol” if you will. I like my tea sweet, my booze oak barrel aged, my basketball arenas with banners in the rafters and monograms on all.the.things!
  • I adore timelines and to-do lists. I think it’s the act of crossing things off as you accomplish them that gets me…I will even go so far as to add a task to my list after I’ve done it, just so that I can cross it off! Yes, I know that’s neurotic. No, I’m not embarrassed about it.
  • Sending TikToks is my love language. My blood type is Cold Brew. My wardrobe is black, off black, off off black and “whoaaaaa that’s like, a lot."
  • Binge watching is my only hobby…I’d love to say ‘oh I love hiking’ or ‘I just adore trying new macaroon recipes’ but that shit simply isn’t true. Sitting on my couch wearing giant sweatpants while watching TV=LIFE!!!! Schitt’s Creek, Grey’s Anatomy, rewatching Parks and Rec, WandaVision…sigh, love! Movies are my only really form of self care and thus I converse in movie quotes more than I should probably admit. Disney+ is the best thing and worst thing to ever happen to me.
  • I’m obsessed with cups and bottles. My cabinets literally overfloweth. At any given point I have like, ummmm, maybe twelve or so “emotional support water bottles” tucked in various spots. All filled with different beverages because I am an unapologetic beverage goblin. I never know when the mood will strike me to drink iced coffee from a Stanley with hot pink curse words on it or water from a “Be Kind” rainbow glitter bottle and so I gotta be prepared.
  • I’m an aficionado of geek culture. I changed my Siri to be a British man so he sounded more like JARVIS, thus making me feel more like Tony Stark. Going to Comic Con is on my bucket list. If it’d been solely up to me there’s a prettttty good chance that my son’s name would have been Anakin or Finnick. So please let me know if you’d like to have a spirited conversation about the Game of Thrones finale, the Sacred Timeline/Multiverse or the lack of Gambit in the X-Men movies…I’ll happily oblige.
  • I’m wife to a John Deere engi-nerd and a mom to a special needs 6 year old son. I didn’t want becoming a mother to change me, it did, but totally for the better. It’s made me a better photographer without question. I’ve always shot with a sense of purpose but now my “20 year goggles” are clearer than ever. I’m more nostalgic, now have the patience of a saint, am more passionate about inclusivity and know wayyyyyy more CoCoMelon songs than before.
  • I’m a creature of habit and adore consistency: in life, in photography and especially when it comes to food. The staff at Pancheros knows my order and will correct me if I’ve accidentally placed it wrong! Not sure if that’s totally awesome or a little sad. Probably both.
  • I’m medically gluten free. Yes my life is sad. Yes I will accept your pity and gf cookies. Thank yew.
  • I’m obsessed with my dogs. They are six month old Boston Terrier puppies and they're absolutely PERFECT!!!! It's Piper and Zoe's world and we are just living in it. I’m first and foremost a fur-baby lover!!! If you bring your dog to your session, please don’t be offended if I pay more attention to them than to you! It's nothing personal.

Welp folks….that’s me! If you have any other questions about what makes me tick just ask!

Come visit me on social media or click the ‘Let’s Chat’ page so I can get to know a little bit about you and how I can help you create some once in a lifetime memories!


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